Register Now! Fausett Farms Sunflower 5K & Fun Run

Join us Saturday, October 12th at Fausett Farms Sunflowers for a family friendly run or walk through thousands of Sunflowers! 🌻

North Georgia Wildlife Park & Zoo

Wildlife Wonders is a licensed zoological facility. We are governed by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and DNR (Department of Natural Resources). WW carries special licenses for Native Georgia animals, exotic animals, federally protected animals and exhibitors permits for all the animals. Wildlife Wonders is involved in the conservation of many rare and endangered species. Wildlife Wonders also provides outreach educational programs

Paradise Valley Farm is a WORKING farm. Paradise Valley farm is a breeding facility for many rare breed and miniature livestock. With over 300 livestock and over 40 breeds represented they are quite possibly the largest diverse collection of livestock on the east coast. Paradise Valley farm founded the Miniature Harlequin Sheep Registry, the Miniature Pig Registry and has many years involved in selective and quality breeding of many amazing animals.


North Georgia Wildlife Park & Zoo

2912 Paradise Valley Road
Cleveland , GA 30528